Researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK say they can replace lead with tin to produce an environmentally friendly perovskite solar cell without any impact on the efficiency or performance of the product.
The team claimed in a paper published in the journal Nature Energy that tin is a cheaper alternative and that tin-based perovskite batteries can speed up the deployment of this technology for a range of solar applications. Tin-perovskite materials are more stable, cost-effective and safer than ever thought. They have the important advantage of reducing manufacturing costs and are more commercially attractive.
According to the researchers, the efficiency of perovskite photovoltaic devices that do not require a pore-selecting interface is about 10 times the efficiency of those devices based on methyl-lead iodide perovskite structures. The highest current efficiency of CsSnl3 photovoltaic cells is 3.56%.
This study has demonstrated the improvement in performance and porosity of the perovskite fullerene-containing electron-transport layer of nitrogen-containing SnCl2 films, whereas the stability of unpackaged CsSnI3 is at least an order of magnitude higher than that of lead-perovskite photovoltaics . These findings demonstrate the value of the in-depth study of tin-perovskite photovoltaics.
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