GoodFellows (Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo), which operates "tainaviSoken", which conducts research on new energy industries such as photovoltaics, conducted a questionnaire related to photovoltaic power stations and maintenance to 133 users who purchased or considered purchasing photovoltaic power generation equipment in Japan. ", November 30 announced the findings.
Maintain content related survey results (Source: GoodFellows)
Of the respondents to the questionnaire, the owners of PV equipment were 72. Ninety percent of them felt the need for maintenance, but 60% responded that "no maintenance agreement has been signed."
In addition, when asking the owner of the photovoltaic power generation equipment whether there was a sudden drop in power generation ?, 24% answered "occurred." In addition, more than 20% of the respondents answered "slightly lower or lower" when asked whether there is any change in the amount of electricity generated compared to the time of starting power generation. The most occurred was "PV inverter failure or stop running", followed by "circuit breaker failure and stop running."
Ask the user who signed the maintenance agreement "How to decide to maintain the company?" 72.4% of respondents answered that they are "buying (power generation equipment) sales outlets." Are you satisfied with "the maintenance company that is now contracted?" 27.6% answered "not satisfied". The reasons for the dissatisfaction are mainly "not sent inspection report", followed by "not responding to inquiries in a timely manner, the response speed in the event of an emergency is slow."
The question of "what is included in the signed maintenance agreement" answers the "periodic inspection" up to 93.1%. Followed by "power generation monitoring" to 86.2%, "emergency response" and "weeding measures" for more than 70%. "Panel Cleaner" was 55.2%.
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