The odors generated during the operation of the urban sewage treatment plant generally include fish odor, ammonia odor, rotten odor, rotten egg odor, rotted cabbage odor, fecal odor, and special odors of certain production effluents. The odor treatment methods include direct incineration, catalyst oxidation, acid and alkali cleaning, odor oxidation, chemical reaction, activated carbon physical adsorption, biological deodorization, and soil deodorization.
The following describes several deodorizing methods in detail:
1. The principle of soil deodorization: The mechanism of soil deodorization can be mainly divided into physical adsorption and biodegradation. The water-soluble odorous gas is absorbed by the soil moisture, and the non-soluble odor is physically adsorbed on the soil surface and then the microorganisms in the soil. break down. The characteristics of soil deodorization method are as follows: 1. The maintenance and management costs are low; the deodorization effect is equivalent to that of activated carbon; 2. It occupies a large area; 3. It is not suitable for stormy and snowy areas, and it must be pre-heated for high temperature, high humidity and water-containing dust. deal with.
The humus soil is the preferred soil indicator for designing soil deodorization. Sub-clay and other red soils need to be blended with chicken manure, garbage, and sludge for improved use, and mineral soils and clays are not suitable for use. The soil moisture is suitable for 40%-70%. Too dry soil needs to be equipped with a water shower. The surface of the soil on which the lawn is planted is kept tilted as a measure to prevent rainstorms.
2, chemical reaction deodorization Chlorine disinfection and deodorization; This method is the use of chlorine sterilization to remove organic matter in the water, kill algae; the water disinfection, to maintain a certain amount of residual chlorine, to ensure the sterilization effect. Take chlorination in the inlet pipe network for pre-sterilization to control odor. The residual H2O2 in the sewage will eventually be decomposed into water and oxygen, but will not form some harmful substances with the organic substances in it.
3. Biological/active carbon adsorption deodorization
Principle of biological deodorization: Biological deodorization is the use of the role of microorganisms on the specific surface area of ​​the carrier packing under appropriate conditions to deodorize. Odor gas substances are first absorbed by the filler, and then are oxidatively decomposed by the attached microorganisms on the filler, thereby completing the deodorization process. In order to keep the microorganisms High activity must create a good living environment for it, such as: suitable humidity, pH value, oxygen content, temperature and nutrient content.
Filler Selection The most important part of a biological deodorization tower is the filler. A good carrier filler must meet the following requirements: The types of microorganisms allowed to grow are abundant, provide a large specific surface area for microbial habitat growth, have reasonable nutrient content, good water absorption, no odor, good adsorption, uniform structure, and voidage. Large, easy to obtain materials and cheap, anti-aging, running, maintenance simple. Common fillers are: plastics, semi-soft plastics, dry bark, hay, fibrous peat, or mixtures thereof.
Activated carbon adsorption deodorization principle: the odor gas through the activated carbon layer, the use of physical adsorption removal; applicable substances: hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. 4. High-energy ion deodorization working principle: High-energy ion purification system is a Swedish high-tech, it can effectively remove bacteria in the air, can inhale particulate matter, sulfides and other harmful substances, its ion air purification system working principle is: The ion generating device in the room emits positive and negative ions of high energy and contacts with organic volatile gas molecules in the indoor air to open the chemical bonds of the VOC molecules to decompose them into ions. The ions emitted from the ion generator collide with the air dust particles and solid particles. The particles are charged to produce polymerization, and the larger particles formed are settled down by their own gravity to achieve the purpose of purification; the emitted ions can also interact with indoor static electricity, odors, etc., and at the same time effectively destroy the bacteria's living environment in the air, lowering Indoor bacterial concentration and completely eliminate it. The high-energy ion purification system is mainly used in hospitals, offices, and public halls in Europe. In recent years, it has been gradually applied to the deodorization of sewage plants and sewage lift pumps. There are many examples of applications in France, the United Kingdom, Scotland, and Sweden.
Several kinds of deodorization methods have their own characteristics. Based on their advantages, they are improved. The use of H2O2 and high-energy ion deodorization in the optimization of wastewater and environmental protection are the main directions for future and future development.
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