According to Reuters, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday (December 30th) that although there are still many problems in the accession to the WTO, he still hopes that Russia and Russia will join the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2011.
Putin told reporters in the media that once Russia joins the WTO, Russia may adopt protectionist measures instead of tariffs to support domestic industries. At the same time, he is worried that becoming a WTO member will damage Russia’s automobile industry.
At present, Russia imposes import tariffs on foreign branded cars. However, according to regulations, after the accession to the WTO, it should abandon such measures to protect domestic automakers.
When the reporter asked whether there would be problems with the Russian auto industry after entering the WTO, Putin replied: "If we see the auto industry is caught in unequal competition conditions, we will find non-tariff regulatory measures, such as technical regulations."
Putin told reporters in the media that once Russia joins the WTO, Russia may adopt protectionist measures instead of tariffs to support domestic industries. At the same time, he is worried that becoming a WTO member will damage Russia’s automobile industry.
At present, Russia imposes import tariffs on foreign branded cars. However, according to regulations, after the accession to the WTO, it should abandon such measures to protect domestic automakers.
When the reporter asked whether there would be problems with the Russian auto industry after entering the WTO, Putin replied: "If we see the auto industry is caught in unequal competition conditions, we will find non-tariff regulatory measures, such as technical regulations."
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